Wednesday, September 2, 2009

fuck da blogspot

im on some othaa shit now! all late in the game hahaha. whatever. enjoy. holler.

1 comment:

  1. EFÉSIOS CAP 3 - (14 TO THE 21)

    14 for that reason I put of knees before the Father of ours Mr. Jesus Cristo,
    15 of which the whole family in the skies and in the earth it takes the name,
    16 so that, according to the wealth of your glory, grant you that are corroborated with being able to for your Spirit in the interior man;
    17 for Christ to inhabit for the faith in your hearts; in order to, being ingrained and founded in love,
    18 perfectly could understand, with all the saints, which it is the width, and the length, and the height, and the depth,
    19 and to know Christ's love, that exceeds the whole understanding, so that you are full of the whole fullness of God.
    20 for now, the that that is powerful to do everything much more abundantly besides that that we asked or we thought, according to the power that in us it operates,
    21 to that glory in the church, by Jesus Cristo, in all the generations, for all the always. Amen.

    Without faith, as we can understand Christ's Love, and as this love, it will stay inhabiting inside of your Spirit, without the foundation of the love in Christ.

    The understanding of this only feeling that is going besides our reason and of our being, it is in the faith and trust in that that everything did for us.

    Who can understand and to practice this love;
    Who can measure or to quantify, or to confront;
    Who knows dimenionar, or to evaluate this Love;

    Perfect love,
    Abundant love;
    Tireless love;

    Who is played by this Love,
    doesn't have doubts of the great wealth that if
    finds destined and addressed for our lives.

    Not to want her that is not proven in the knowledge of the Mister
    There is not knee not to bend before the Mister
    But some will not bend to adore, but to beg in the judgement.

    And for us to reach the fullness of God, we have to know it
    Love of Christ, that exceeds every understanding.

    Look for to know and to understand this Love!!!

